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It's Not Always About the Way We've Done Things

beyond war caring co-creation inspiration kindness Apr 12, 2017

Gustavo Tanaka  is a Brazilian author and entrepreneur. Not held back by the way humans have done things in the past, he and his friends are creating a new way of living on the planet that’s far more collaborative and harmonious than we have experienced to date.

Here is his original article.

I loved the opening sentence: Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. And I loved reading his vision of how we can do better, by ourselves as well as by everyone else! It’s very much in harmony with my own vision of our world being based on kindness, with the added benefit of a systems approach.

It’s inspiring and heartening to know that there are people like Gustavo in our world, working hard to make it better for everyone:-)


[Photo courtesy of Huffington Post]

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