Rest is Not Idleness: the 2nd Seed of Hope
May 29, 2015Welcome to the 2nd Seed of Hope.
I am sending this Seed to you with the hope that it inspires your day:-) And a warm Thank You to those of you who sent me quotations from your own collections. I have included them at the end of my 1st Seed of Hope for others to enjoy.
Here is the 2nd Seed which has just been “germinated” for you:
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds that float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
……John Lubbock.
I love this quotation. Spending time amongst trees — especially trees which have been on this planet for longer than I have — is special and definitely not idle. Amongst trees I sense interconnectedness. Beneath the soil their roots are intertwined; high above my head their leaves rustle together in the wind; the creatures that live amongst them share the bounty that only a group of trees can provide.
Amongst people, I strive to facilitate a similar interconnectedness. By doing my best to listen and be present without bringing my own opinions, opportunities always arise to connect people to each other and to other resources.
Like the special people at the heart of the Resilient Leadership™ Community. This group has been 15 years in the making. I am eternally grateful to all of you who have been part of our journey so far, especially to Anne, Alfred, Catlyne, Sue, George and Sally for staying the distance.
As we approach the launch of our shared work, I think back to the gatherings we have all enjoyed with interconnectedness in the centre. Like trees in a grove we have supported each other’s journeys and grown together as we co-create this program to be truly useful. To be together and “chat” is not idle; it is the most profound of experiences where we listen and respond to our deepest thoughts and feelings from our best selves.
I hope that this Seed inspires you towards your purpose with kindness.
After receiving this Seed some people have kindly sent me quotations and a photo that are meaningful to them, which you might also enjoy:
The lovely photo of Trees at Chateau De Versailles, taken in autumn (November) which is attached to this blog.
….from Sharon.
A man saved from drowning should not complain of wet clothes.
….from Jim.
The Story of Jim McViker
….from Rod.
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches on the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all.
….Emily Dickenson, from Jean.
Fear is the Mind Killer
….Frank Herbert from the epic book Dune, from Michelle.
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